I have several baits going on.
Some straightbaiting (I just play the role of a real victim, except for sending the money) from love scam (you meet a girl/guy from West Africa that falls in love with you and wants money to come to see you). I have promised to a lot of them that I was going to send them laptops, phones, jewels and stuff. I'm trying to find one that would be willing to pay for the shipping, or send fedex to my place so I can send him a big fat piece of crap with high value (for tax). I'm working on it :D
I have an artbait going on too. I play the role of an art galery manager and we're looking for artists to give them loadsof money. The goal is to have them paint, sculpt anything you want and convince them to send it to you. I have 2 guys painting stuff for me. I'm actively looking for new "artists" (post pics of stuff you'd like to be painted in comments :D ) I hope to see results from this one very soon.
And finally, I have a bait where I pretend to be from a company that needs a TV commercial to be shot in West Africa for some reasons. After 3 months of work, I think I should receive pretty soon a 10-15 seconds commercial. I hope I'll receive it, I hope it's gonna be great. I'll keep you updated ;)
Gonna find new preys. Have fun :D
haha such a nice post :D
RépondreSupprimerVery Nice post. Makes me think about life
RépondreSupprimergood baiting
RépondreSupprimerHeh heh, funny stuff. Keep us updated.
RépondreSupprimerwhat a great idea. Hey i am a price and has lots of monies!
RépondreSupprimerr u scammer or what O.o ?
RépondreSupprimeroh nvm you scam scammers :-D good job